Adaptive Communication

Our adaptive communication programs are grounded in the behavioral communication methodology known as the Process Communication Model® (PCM), which can be used in every aspect of life, with every person with whom you interact. PCM combines a scientifically-validated theory of personality structure and development with proven techniques for improving your communication and management skills. All of our services start with taking the PCM Profile, a valid and reliable assessment of your personality structure and behaviors.

You begin with learning about yourself. You'll discover your preferred perceptual language and communication style, along with the motivational needs, behaviors and other traits uniquely associated with that language and style. You then learn how these characteristics differ in other people and how to identify them through observation. We'll teach you to adapt your language and speaking style for each person with whom you interact to develop rapport, communicate effectively, predict and influence behavior, and get your own motivational needs met, reducing dysfunction and negative conflict in your life and helping others to do the same for themselves.


Our our adaptive communication programs include in person and virtual courses that will enable you to:

  • Engender a feeling of connection and rapport in others, making them more inclined to see you in a positive light.

  • Identify the most effective style of communicating with someone – the specific words, tones, gestures, postures and facial expressions that are most likely to result in a productive interaction.

  • Ascertain a person’s primary motivations and to use that knowledge to predict and influence their actions and decisions.

  • Understand the genesis of distress and how to avoid situations and behaviors that are likely to lead to it.

  • Recognize the speech patterns and behaviors that signal impending distress.

  • Predict and identify a person's distress behaviors and implement targeted distress intervention tactics.

We provide a variety of course of varying duration, covering some or all of these topics. Seminars include a mixture of lecture, group discussion, exercises and, in some cases, video clips.  

Coaching & Consulting

In addition to our courses, we provide a wide variety of consulting and coaching services for businesses, educators, families, and individuals. Each of these services begins with taking the PCM Profile and the generation of one of several available profile reports from the results of the assessment.

Examples of our consulting services include:

  • Evaluation of management teams and other groups to identify areas and causes of miscommunication and conflict and to recommend intervention strategies.

  • Review of employment candidates to determine innate character strengths, how the candidate is likely to interact with management, and expected positive and negative behavior patterns.

  • Identification of the most effective management strategies for specific employees, along with targeted intervention techniques to alleviate disruptive behavior.